How To Stop Pickleball Volley Popup!

How To Stop Popping Up Pickleball Volley Shots

Mastering the Pickleball Volley: Tips and Techniques

One of the most crucial shots in pickleball is the volley, especially when it comes to controlling the net and maintaining an aggressive stance. In a recent video by Briones Pickleball, Jordan Briones and his friend Corbin delve deep into the art of the pickleball volley, specifically focusing on reset volleys. Here’s a comprehensive summary of their insights and tips to help players who struggle with popping up volleys.

The Importance of Pickleball Reset Volleys

Reset volleys are essential in pickleball as they allow players to slow down the ball, especially when transitioning from the non-volley zone. A well-executed reset volley can neutralize an opponent’s aggressive shot, giving the player an opportunity to regain control of the point. The key is to ensure the ball drops in the non-volley zone, preventing the opponent from attacking.

Stability is Key

One of the primary takeaways from the video is the importance of stability. A stable and wide base, akin to the roots of a tree, is crucial for executing effective reset volleys. This stability ensures that the paddle remains steady, reducing the chances of the ball flying past the non-volley zone. As players move further from the non-volley zone, they should adopt a wider stance to maintain balance and control.

Forehand vs. Backhand Volleys

While both forehand and backhand volleys have their place in pickleball, Briones emphasizes the ease of the backhand volley due to its natural paddle position. However, the forehand volley can be a bit trickier. To master the forehand volley, players should focus on keeping the paddle out in front and avoid taking the shot from behind, which often results in late hits.

Positioning and Movement

Positioning plays a pivotal role in pickleball volleys. Players should aim to stop early, giving themselves ample time to prepare for the incoming shot. This early stop, combined with a split-step, allows players to react quickly and efficiently to their opponent’s shots. Moreover, when in the transition zone, players should maintain a low stance, with both feet parallel and facing the net. This positioning ensures quick reflexes and better shot control.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

A common mistake players make is popping up the ball during volleys, making them vulnerable to smashes from opponents. To avoid this, players should focus on getting low, especially when the ball is hit towards their feet. A wider stance can help players get lower, enabling them to handle low shots more effectively.

Final Thoughts

Pickleball volleys, especially reset volleys, are integral to the game. By focusing on stability, positioning, and shot technique, players can enhance their volley skills and become formidable opponents on the court. Briones Pickleball offers a plethora of insights, tips, and drills for players looking to up their game. For more in-depth tutorials and strategies, check out Briones Pickleball’s official website and their YouTube channel.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, the next time you find yourself on the pickleball court, focus on your volleys, and watch as your game transforms!
